Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The More Articles You Write And Submit, The More Exposure You Gain

Business, Home Business.

Fueling the ideal - marketing with articles - it' s that time of year again. pages of backpacks, notebooks and back - to - school clothing fill every circular that hits your mailbox. You' re in the same spot you were last year this time, getting ready to head off to work while your kids head off to school. And you' re off to the races. the races being the mall, plus every other store in between.

Back to hugging them goodbye in the morning and seeing them just long enough in the evening to say I love you and tuck them in. - no more spending all your hours away from your kids just to earn enough money to cover the essentials and pay daycare? Wouldn' t it be fantastic if the easier schedule of the summer lasted all year long? Take it from someone who knows both sides of the deal here and believe that there' s no time like right now to make the transition from the regular grind to working from home. When my son was very young, I worked a full - time job away from home, plus at least one part - time job on weekends. As the proud Mom of a 2005 honors graduate who' s heading off to college soon, I know first hand what a major impact working from home has had on his success. This meant that my son was in daycare while I worked.

A few years later in the 1990' s, I decided there had to be a better way so I started a part - time medical billing service from my home. - as a single parent who didn' t receive child support( for years) though, i had no other choice. This allowed me to give up the outside part - time job and gave me the practical means of earning the much - needed income. I quickly saw that I was onto something great here. what a concept! Best of all, it gave me the priceless opportunity to take care of my son while I worked. I moved from the east coast to California with my son in 1995 where my first full - time job was with a consulting firm co - owned by a professional speaker.

It worked out incredibly well. so well in fact, I decided to, that in 2000 leave the consulting firm and start my own full - time home based virtual assistant business. - after some negotiations with my boss, we entered into an agreement by which i would work mornings in the office, leave to pick up my son from school in the afternoons and work from home the rest of the day. Starting from scratch, I knew that gaining exposure for my business was essential if I wanted to be successful in my new venture. However, I also remembered a technique that I used successfully for my former employer. I also knew that traditional forms of marketing are very expensive and quickly gobble up the profits, particularly in the early stages. Besides being a consultant and professional speaker, he was also an author, so his goals included increasing his number of speaking engagements and selling more copies of his books.

Committed to accomplishing his goals, he gave me a list of those publications, so I drafted a query letter based on one of his story ideas and e - mailed it to the editor of one of the magazines. - he hoped to accomplish these goals by establishing himself as an expert in his industry, which meant having his work published by every major magazine in his field. The editor responded in short notice and offered my employer an article assignment. Writing and submitting that one article produced several paid speaking engagements. They published my boss' s article soon afterwards and featured it on the cover of the magazine, producing an onslaught of calls to the office! This new marketing intrigue fascinated me, so I fine - tuned my article submission process creating logs and checklists, and within a few months, my boss had accomplished his goal of publication in every magazine on his list!

The results of writing and submitting articles was so successful that we put other major marketing techniques on hold so my boss could travel to his paid speaking engagements. - even online and in - print publications we hadn' t contacted began calling and e - mailing in request of articles. As my interest and experience grew in this area of marketing, I knew that if it worked for my boss that it would work for other professionals as well. Then I realized that if this technique worked for other professionals that it would work for me too in building my own business. Soon, I was earning over half my income handling article submissions for other professionals. And it has worked for me!

I' ve used it to expand my client base and build my virtual assistance business into a solid income - generating company, which has allowed me to work full - time at home for the past five years. - this same marketing technique, which i call marketing with articles, has been the success behind my own business. As my son is getting ready to leave for college, my personal goal now is to help other parents be successful in achieving their career goals while living the dream of staying home with their children. Anyone can be successful in building their business and gaining credibility as an expert in their industry or area of expertise by writing and submitting free reprint articles to online and in - print publications. The concept of marketing with articles does not require a professional writer. The key to success is in reaching your target audience with resourceful information that is valuable to them. They have a continuing need to publish content that appeals directly to their target audience, which is where you come in.

Editors of both online and in - print publications are in constant demand of quality content for their readers. - by writing and submitting free reprint articles to publications that reach readers in your market, you have the opportunity to establish yourself as an expert and gain a generous amount of exposure for your business. Not only do you establish your credibility as an expert in your industry or area of expertise, but you earn significant exposure for yourself and your business. True, you aren' t earning money for actually writing the articles, but you are earning a huge payoff here. Most editors will include your byline with your articles, which gives you the opportunity to include your name and contact information, plus the URL of your web site. The more articles you write and submit, the more exposure you gain! Readers come to recognize your name and relate it with certain topics.

The marketing with articles technique helped turn my dream of working from home full - time into a precious reality that has made a positive impact for both my son and me. - me, i' ll have the benefit of knowing that the bittersweet wind i' m putting beneath his wings comes from my deepest desires for his complete success! (c) 2006, davis virtual assistance. As he goes off to college, he' ll be leaving with all the benefits of having had a mom who found a way to support him financially without the high cost of being away from him all day. Reprint rights granted to all venues so long as article and by - line are printed intact with all links made live. To learn how to grow your business with article marketing visit http: //www. Bonnie Jo Davis is an article marketing expert who takes great pride in helping work at home parents, small business owners, entrepreneurs and enthusiastic hobbyists exploit the power of the written word.

WriteYourWayToProfit. com today!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Additionally, If Some Event Is Approaching In Which Your Expertise Can Be Utilized, Volunteer To Provide Services Free Of Charge In Exchange For Having Your Name Used

Business, Home Business.

Building your home based internet business - for many folks a home based internet business is a dream and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it a reality. You should know that in order to make any home business a success, it will take time and effort to see it grow.

Being able to find something you enjoy doing and turn it into an occupation that allows you to work from home is something many people are looking to do. - first, you will need a business that you enjoy working, as you will need to spend a lot of time organizing it and working little details. Many people believe that simply designing a great website offering a good mix of merchandise or great services will allow them to be a success. Regardless of the type of home based internet business you plan to operate, getting its name out in front of potential customers will be the most important aspect of running your business. It does not matter how great a website you build nor how wonderful your products and prices are. However, you can do many things to get your business noticed, especially through other online businesses.

If no one knows about your site, it is the same as not having one. - depending on your budget, you can advertise with other online businesses, you can place ads on television, radio and in newspapers or, if the budget is tight, you can do little things to get your name into the public view without spending a ton of money. Placing flyers on public bulletin boards or having small, inexpensive advertising items printed up to hand out to prospective customers. By being active in your community and being involved you can let others know about your website. You can offer advice columns to your local newspaper on topics related to your area of expertise, with your name and business name listed in exchange for payment of your information. Additionally, if some event is approaching in which your expertise can be utilized, volunteer to provide services free of charge in exchange for having your name used. Small town newspapers offer the best opportunity to have your advice column published as they often accept freebies to help supply pertinent information for their readers.

For example, printing a program for a high school play can probably be done for under$ 100, but if there are 1, 000 handed out with the line that states the programs are provided by, followed by your name, you get your name in front of the parents along with free positive publicity. - a t shirt with your company name and web address printed on it can probably be had for under$ 10 and wearing it in public puts the message out there that a new business is in town.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Work At Home Advantage 4: Dress Code!

Business, Home Business.

5 advantages of working at home - there are a multitude of advantages of getting out of the grind, starting your own business and working at home. In addition to that, keep in mind that the wealthiest out there work for themselves.

Working at home can be a risky proposition, but if successful you' re going to enjoy a much more fulfilling life and so will your family. - work at home advantage 1: being there for your family! ! That' s right, your family! ! Who are the most important people in your life? By working for yourself at home you will be able to set your own hours AND be available when your family needs you. Work at Home Advantage 2: Working from home will actually save you money! ! You won' t have to ask some boss permission if it' s okay for you to take your son or daughter to the dentist, YOU ARE THE BOSS.

Yep, you read that correctly, you will save money working at home. - with the current rise in gas prices and auto repair working at home will keep gas in your tank and the wear off of your vehicle. You can say goodbye to that HUGE daycare bill, you' re working at home the kids do not need a babysitter. If you use public transportation to get to work, well... YOU ARE WORKING AT HOME, no need to buy that bus pass anymore. Of course, this is optional. Work at Home Advantage 3: Every weekend off! !

That' s right, it' s optional and is 100% up to you( look in the mirror, you' re working at home and you' re the boss remember) . - because there was once a time when most people didn' t work weekends, but in this day and age it is rare to find a job where you don' t have to work at least some saturday' s or sunday' s, or( egads! !) both! ! Ever wonder why most events are held on the weekends? By working at home you will be able to be one of the few who has every weekend off. Working at home offers you the opportunity to dress exactly how you feel like dressing. Work at Home Advantage 4: Dress Code! !

Heck, if you don' t want to get dressed, then don' t! ! - work at home advantage 5: your time is yours! ! There are a ton of work at home business owners who get out of bed, make some coffee and start working with nothing on but their underwear and, a pair of, maybe slippers. Oh yeah! ! You set your own start time, your own stop time, your own break time... it' s all your time! ! Use your time however you want to use your time, you are the one in charge now and you can be as efficient or as non - efficient as you want to be( warning, too much inefficiency may cause you to have to go work for somebody else again! ).

Those are just a few of the advantages of working at home and once you get off your duff and pull the string, you' re sure to find that the preceding five advantages are just the tip of the ice berg. - good luck! !

Saturday, November 8, 2008

To Your EBay Success

Business, Home Business.

Make money on ebay - routinely assess your business - the ebay marketplace is continually changing. New competitors enter the market.

Tastes and trends shift over time. - techniques that worked even last week may no longer achieve the desired results. Working ever harder to achieve success. Yet sellers who want to make money on eBay are still there. If a seller suddenly finds that they are not able to make money on eBay, what are they to do? The need to make money on eBay is still there.

The expenses are still there. - what steps should they take to deal with the lack of sales? All the normal basics such as title, photo, description, category, eBay Store, pricing, etc. need to be checked. A critical first step is for the seller to examine their business from top to bottom. For those who know how to make money on eBay, this will typically take a very short time. T be found. In many cases, while there might be some adjustments, the issues won& rsquo.

More investigation is needed. - a marketplace examination is really fundamental to business success. Those who make money on eBay know that a thorough examination of the marketplace should be done on a routine basis. That examination would come next in this case as well. Look for changes in product trends. Examine the marketplace as a whole. Look for new sellers.

Look for changes that may be creating the sales problem for you. - look for a seller who is offering the same product at lower prices. If the seller is still unable to determine the problem, then asking others for ideas and inputs would come next. Keep looking until the root cause of the problem has been discovered and fixed. To make money on eBay requires that you not give up on the problem. To Your eBay Success!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Write EBooks

Business, Home Business.

Easy work at home business ideas - an internet marketing business provides you with a unique opportunity to say goodbye to your day job and say hello to a new life. You can practically cut out your commute, spend more time with family and possibly earn four, five and even six figure incomes solely via the internet. Deciding to work for home may appear to be a great solution for many employees.

There are countless ways to make money online. - it can simply be just you and your computer, and a few bright ideas. However, starting a business from home does not have to mean complex business plans, mountains of paper work and employing people. Getting started is where a lot of people get stuck. To provide you with a few ideas, here are several work at home business ideas to get your started. There are so many choices and new things to learn that it' s easy to get overwhelmed. Write eBooks.

If you have a topic you are passionate and knowledgeable on, consider creating a short ebook and selling it on a website or on eBay. - some of the most popular information products are ebooks and they are big business online. Effectively marketed, your eBook can bring some attractive profits. This is why the Internet is called the information superhighway. Information is the hottest commodity in the World Wide Web. If you' d be able to provide the right kind of information, you will never run out of potential customers.

Writing an eBook is very similar to writing a special report. - this is especially true if you manage to find a hungry market where the demand for such information would be immense. An eBook is work composed of approximately 30 or more pages. Here are eight easy to follow steps you could take to come up with an eBook: Select a topic that you have some knowledge about. Anything shorter would be considered as a special report. This can be skill from your current or previous job experience.

Now suppose you choose the niche of parrots, a good topic to write about is" how to select the perfect pet parrot. " Prepare an outline for your ebook. - for example, if you' ve worked at a pet store, you may have experience training parrots. You should strive to make it as organized as possible. Do your research! Start with the most basic concepts, and gradually proceed to the more advanced ones. This is very important. A well - researched work is what they deserve.

If you' re offering something in exchange for your prospective customers' hard - earned money, you should give them something valuable. - don' t rip people off. If you have a great outline, this shouldn' t be a problem. Fill out your outline with the necessary information to get your point across to the reader. All you have to do is write about your topic that you' ve researched and include them in the specific portions allotted of the outline. Plagiarism could ruin you.

This is very important: avoid plagiarism. - you need to learn how to respect intellectual property rights when you' re doing business online. Only create original works of art that you plan to sell. There are no ifs and buts about it and it could get you into legal hot water. Once you have finished the draft of your eBook or special report, be sure to proofread it for errors. You' ll see it from a fresh perspective and obvious errors will stand out.

Put it aside and then come back to it. - be sure to make corresponding corrections. People always say that no one should judge a book by its cover. Once you have your error - free manuscript, it' s always a good idea to design an attractive and attention - grabbing eCover for your eBook. But you know from everyday experience, this is simply not true. Invest on a good eCover to boost your sales.

Many books, are sold on, and many eBooks the basis of their covers alone. - consider the format for you ebook. The only problem is that only windows users can run the. exe format and most people don' t like to run. exe files for fear of viruses and spyware. The 2 most popular formats are. exe and. pdf. An excellent choice would be to use the. pdf format. Once you have completed these steps, you will own an information product that is ready to be sold. Being in. pdf format would allow more people to read your eBook, as a variety of computer platforms recognize this file type.

Now that you' ve created an ebook you will want to sell it on the website. - set up a content site or blog on a topic of interest. You' ll need a website to do this. There are ways you can monetize this website or blog with the Google Adsense advertising program. Research items of interest to the group you' re targeting and provide relevant information they would be interested in. You can also use product affiliate links.

Once you develop one successful site, consider building several more. - hire out your services. This is an excellent form of passive income after you have laid the foundation, just simply do it over and over again. Are you good at graphic design, writing, programming? There are several sites online where you can list your services for hire. These skills are in demand, and hiring out your services can ensure a nice regular income.

Popular sites are elance, rentacoder. com and scriptlance to name a few. - focusing on one or two of these is ideal - ensuring all your efforts are focused on a small target rather than scattered everywhere is the very best way to know if you are going in the right direction. I have listed just a very few of the unlimited methods of having a work at home online business. Keep in mind there are many forums and communities where you can seek help from people who have been working at home for years. Although you' ve chosen to work at home, you are never truly alone in the world of internet marketing! And there are countless information products covering all facets of internet marketing.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Is Residual Income

Business, Home Business.

Earn residual income working from home - let' s face it. There can be a variety of reasons for not wanting to join the nine to five work force. Everybody needs money and not everybody is cut out for the work force.

Who wants the stresses of a day job if it' s not truly necessary? - well, there is good news. If we all had other options, most of us would probably take them. You do have other options. What Is Residual Income? You have the ability to earn residual income working from home!

What is residual income? - babysitting is not residual income. Residual income is income that is generated over time, but after the initial task of creating the income has ceased. Working at a grocery store is not residual income. No matter how much money you make at whatever it is you do, it doesn' t always qualify as residual income. Working as a CEO of a huge corporation is not residual income.

When you create residual income, it' s a one time shot. - you purchased some rental property. You built a web site. You invented a gadget. Just because the income is residual doesn' t mean you are not involved, it just means that you don' t have to constantly put in hours to keep a certain level of income at all times. The residual income is the money that results from that one - time thing that you did, like collecting money for advertisements on that site, or collecting rent from the real estate you purchased. Of course, this is not the choice with a regular day job - - the amount of time that you put in directly leads to the amount of income that is generated from your employment.

There are a variety of ways a person can earn residual income working from home. - how can a person earn residual income working from home? Of course, the most common ones involve the internet. For every product or service out there, there is a website for it. Setting up a website seems to be the most common way, and the most reliable. Take advantage of this, advertisers will pay big money( usually) to a web site owner who can get the traffic they need to lead to sales for them!

There is no limit to what you can do to generate this income, only the limits you set on yourself. - earning residual income from home is one of the most mind - boggling financial opportunities available out there any more. If you choose to put in two hours worth of work versus twenty four hours worth of work, you have set that limit for yourself - - you have decided on the amount of money you want to make and you can always cause this to fluctuate based on YOUR needs. If you want to be a stay at home mom, spend more time with your family or just plain do not like to leave the house you can earn money for yourself working from home. So what' s the moral of this story? It' s not one of those get rich quick endeavors by any means, but there is no limit to what you can do financially for yourself when you sit your mind to it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Then This Home Business Opportunity May Be For You

Business, Home Business.

Home business opportunity - an overview of the different options you can choose from - there are many people who are opting out of the employment workforce and creating their own home business opportunity. If you read the newspapers and search the internet you will overwhelmed with the possibilities of making money through a home business opportunity.

Maybe you are thinking of joining them but you' re not sure how to find one that is legitimate, profitable and not too difficult to begin with. - you' ve seen them. So, let' s just have a quick look at some of them. Network marketing( MLM) , online auctions, paid surveys, data entries, affiliate programs to name just a few. Paid Surveys: This is where you sign up on a website which will give you links to companies that pay for completed surveys. This helps them to make improvements and saves them wasting money.

Every year, companies spend billions of dollars to find out what the consumer thinks of their product. - it is a good idea to register with as many companies as you can to increase your chance of being chosen for the surveys. So, by sitting at your computer and answering questions, you' re involved in a home business opportunity! When you complete and return the surveys sent to your email, the company will pay you monthly, either with checks or points that can be used at stores. Independent Travel Agency: Do you enjoy travel? Usually you are given support and mentoring during the learning process as well as some travel perks. This home business opportunity gives you a way to earn that extra cash through being trained as a home - based independent travel agent.

You can find out more by going online. - you' ve already heard of ebay and yahoo! Online Auctions: This home business opportunity allows you to sell and buy services and merchandise online. Auctions which offer you a way to advertise your product all over the world. Affiliate Programs: If you already have a web - site you can drive traffic to other relevant sites, and these businesses will pay you for finding them customers. Some people have even gone the next step and are trading at auctions.

The' how - to' requires knowledge which may mean some money spent on initial learning. - data entries: can you type well and enter data into a computer? Again, if you go online you can find out more about this home business opportunity. Do enjoy working with details? All you will need is a computer, and an internet, necessary basic software connection. Then this home business opportunity may be for you. Tasks may include typing, editing, proofreading, and updating information for various businesses.

Network marketing( MLM) : Basically, network marketing is when you recruit other people to sell products and you get paid based on what they sell. - data entry work could be in the areas of medical and law. We all know Avon, Tupperware and Amway but these days there are hundreds of different organizations to choose from where you can do business without leaving home. You will need to spend time researching suitable and reputable businesses, and gaining knowledge about the best methods of marketing to make this home business opportunity a success. This is due to the internet. The above are just a sample of what' s out there for a home business opportunity. Summary: There are hundreds of home business opportunities for those wanting to enjoy the benefits of working from home.

Here' s hoping that you find that specific one which will suit you and enable you to enjoy the lifestyle of so many others who work from home. - it can be overwhelming to know where to start but there are a few that may motivate you to begin your journey for a new lifestyle.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Change Your Email Signature To Showcase Your Business

Business, Home Business.

Base your home business opportunity on online marketing - when you' re learning about something new, it' s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. When you base your home business opportunity on online marketing, you will be able to tap into a large number of resources that each promise to give you access to a whole different segment of the market.

This informative article should help you focus on the central points. - there is a plethora of online marketing opportunities that will permit you to introduce your home business to a wide audience. Here are some tips for getting the word out about your home based business opportunity via online marketing. Conversely, if you find that you would have a hard time marketing your business to a large audience, perhaps this business opportunity needs to be revised a little bit in order to appeal to a much larger segment of the market. Build a professionally looking website. Unless you know how to design a website yourself, this is a task best left to the professionals. Too often individuals make the mistake of going overboard when creating a website, and the result is a site with too many ads, pop ups or pop unders, and streaming videos that take the viewer' s eyes away from the business itself.

Keep in mind that a well - designed site will permit potential customers to visit your store and learn about your business 24 hours a day, seven days a week. - if you find yourself confused by what you' ve read to this point, don' t despair. You want to put your best foot forward when it comes to website based marketing. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish. You need to take great care that you do so from a reputable business so that you will not be accused of spamming, but once you have found such as list, use it. Purchase email addresses.

This is a great opportunity for emailing out newsletters, memorable quotes, recipes, and special offers. - set up an affiliate program, and permit others to receive a little profit from sending visitors to your website. If your newsletters are witty, you will be able to add new subscribers by folks who liked what they read when a friend forwarded it. You might even specify that the commission will not be paid out until someone signs up for a newsletter or places an order. Think about how many emails you send out every day, and you will be amazed how many potential customers you can reach simply with your signature. Change your email signature to showcase your business.

As you can see when you base your home business opportunity on online marketing, you will be able to attract customers on a daily basis, even when you are not online. - so go ahead and give it a try. In addition to the foregoing, because of the many times that emails get forwarded when they contain witty or important information, you will be able to capitalize on your email investment many times over! You will not be disappointed