Sunday, November 9, 2008

Work At Home Advantage 4: Dress Code!

Business, Home Business.

5 advantages of working at home - there are a multitude of advantages of getting out of the grind, starting your own business and working at home. In addition to that, keep in mind that the wealthiest out there work for themselves.

Working at home can be a risky proposition, but if successful you' re going to enjoy a much more fulfilling life and so will your family. - work at home advantage 1: being there for your family! ! That' s right, your family! ! Who are the most important people in your life? By working for yourself at home you will be able to set your own hours AND be available when your family needs you. Work at Home Advantage 2: Working from home will actually save you money! ! You won' t have to ask some boss permission if it' s okay for you to take your son or daughter to the dentist, YOU ARE THE BOSS.

Yep, you read that correctly, you will save money working at home. - with the current rise in gas prices and auto repair working at home will keep gas in your tank and the wear off of your vehicle. You can say goodbye to that HUGE daycare bill, you' re working at home the kids do not need a babysitter. If you use public transportation to get to work, well... YOU ARE WORKING AT HOME, no need to buy that bus pass anymore. Of course, this is optional. Work at Home Advantage 3: Every weekend off! !

That' s right, it' s optional and is 100% up to you( look in the mirror, you' re working at home and you' re the boss remember) . - because there was once a time when most people didn' t work weekends, but in this day and age it is rare to find a job where you don' t have to work at least some saturday' s or sunday' s, or( egads! !) both! ! Ever wonder why most events are held on the weekends? By working at home you will be able to be one of the few who has every weekend off. Working at home offers you the opportunity to dress exactly how you feel like dressing. Work at Home Advantage 4: Dress Code! !

Heck, if you don' t want to get dressed, then don' t! ! - work at home advantage 5: your time is yours! ! There are a ton of work at home business owners who get out of bed, make some coffee and start working with nothing on but their underwear and, a pair of, maybe slippers. Oh yeah! ! You set your own start time, your own stop time, your own break time... it' s all your time! ! Use your time however you want to use your time, you are the one in charge now and you can be as efficient or as non - efficient as you want to be( warning, too much inefficiency may cause you to have to go work for somebody else again! ).

Those are just a few of the advantages of working at home and once you get off your duff and pull the string, you' re sure to find that the preceding five advantages are just the tip of the ice berg. - good luck! !

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