Business, Home Business.
4 best ideas for a home - based business for college students - being in college or university almost always means living a hand - to - mouth existence. Fortunately for today' s budding college graduates, there are several home - based businesses that appear tailor - made or them. Having an extra source of income that won' t take you away too much from partying or studying would be nice, but is there such a thing?
Here are a few ideas to consider: Network Marketing. - it requires little or none at all in terms of capital. There are a lot of things about network marketing that make it particularly appealing to college students. Marketers may be even given training that could come in handy when it' s time for them to enter the real world. All they have to do is find network marketing products that would most likely appeal to their peers. In network marketing, there' s rarely a need to keep working hours or have a place of business. In time, they could even convince their friends to join their team until they' re earning purely from their downlines efforts.
Tutoring younger students or their peers is always a healthy source of income for diligent college students. - academic help. You can charge by the hour, and you can hold your tutorial sessions at home, at the school library, or any other place you consider conducive to learning. And if you offer home service, you get to charge extra, too. If you can handle teaching several students an hour, you get to multiply your income as well. But the benefits don' t stop there. You can also charge for making reviewers and study guides.
You can create your own materials for your study sessions and charge for them. - last but not the least, you could also use your research and writing skills to your advantage by offering to help students with their essays, and theses, term papers. College students rarely have a healthy diet due to either of two things: they don' t know how to cook or they don' t have the time or place to cook. Food on the Go. If you live in the dorm or at least near enough to offer quick deliveries, and you know how to cook then you already have the two most important things to make your food business succeed. This creates the perfect opportunity for you: sell them something that' s affordable but reminds them of what real food tastes like and your business is sure to hit the ground running.
College students are most likely sick of eating pizza and other microwave - heated meals, but neither can they afford to eat in expensive restaurants all the time. - for lunch deliveries, you could have them phone their orders before ten in the morning to make sure they get their food on time and steaming hot. As kids, we mostly look to our parents when we had something broken and wanted fixed. Alterations and Repairs. This include but aren' t limited to toys, and electronic gadgets, clothes. Remember to charge extra for rush orders and material costs! If you' re skillful with your hands, you could start accepting simple repair jobs from your peers such as sewing torn buttons on precious blouses, altering lengths of jeans or gowns, and maybe even repairing a broken alarm clock or two.
If none of these ideas for a home - based business appeal to you then think of what else that college students in your area may need and which you can supply.
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